[On 18 July 2010, the President signed Republic Act No. 10142, otherwise known as the “Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act (FRIA) of 2010”. Here is the complete text, divided into Chapters with summary, of R.A. 10142.]
Chapter I. General Provisions [Full Text; Sections 1-11]
Chapter II. Court-Supervised Rehabilitation [Full Text; Sections 12-75]
Summaries/Discussions: * Who are Juridical Debtors * Initiation of Proceedings * Court Proceedings * Rehabilitation Plan * Termination of Proceedings | * Commencement Order * Stay or Suspension Order * Rehabilitation Receiver * Cram Down Clause * Secured Creditors * Avoidance Proceedings |
Chapter III. Pre-Negotiated Rehabilitation [Full Text; Sections 76-82] [Summary]
Chapter IV: Out-of-Court or Informal Restructuring Agreements or Rehabilitation Plans [Full Text; Sections 83-89] [Summary]
Chapter V. Liquidation of Insolvent Juridical Debtors [Full Text; Sections 90-93] [Summary]
Chapter VI. Insolvency of Individual Debtors [Full Text; Sections 94-110] [
Summaries/Discussions: * Suspension of Payments | * Voluntary Liquidation in Insolvency * Involuntary Liquidation in Insolvency |
Chapter VII. Provisions Common to Liquidation in Insolvency of Individual and Juridical Debtors [Full Text; Sections 111-136]
Summaries/Discussions: * The Liquidation Order * The Liquidator | * Determination of Claims * Avoidance Proceedings * The Liquidation Plan |
Chapter VIII. Proceedings Ancillary to Other Insolvency or Rehabilitation Proceedings [Full Text; Sections 137-142]
Chapter IX. Funds for Rehabilitation of Government-Owned and -Controlled Corporations [Full Text; Section 143]
Chapter X. Miscellaneous Provisions [Full Text; Sections 144-150]
Pamaos & Labao Law Firm (P&L Law) is a full-service professional legal firm, located in Metro Manila, Philippines | Telephone: (+632) 7799-0589 | Email: info@pnl-law.com | Website: http://pnl-law.com