Recruiters that use jobvite: Des the status 'In Process' mean anything ?

Hi, I've been recruiting heavily and since a lot of tech companies use jobvite. I find myself checking status on jobvite quite regularly. Most of the statuses show 'New', some show 'In Process' and few are not selected. Does the 'In Process' status mean my resume has been reviewed?

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Workday Username68 Apr 17, 2018

In process means a recruiter has picked up your application and it can mean a various stages that not visible to the applicant. This is configurable by each company using Jobvite system. For example, internally your application can be “reviewing by HM”, “phone interview scheduled”, “first round interview scheduled” or even “reject later” (Yes this is Jobvite’s feature that recruiter can set to automatically reject you after x days$ and you as applicant only see “in process”.