Partnership Work Visa

Partnership work visa may be the way to go if your partner is an eligible sponsor and you can prove the relationship.

Michael Yoon Principal Immigration Lawyer

What is the pathway to residency as a partner?

When it has been more than 12 months of living together, you will be eligible to apply under the partnership-based residence visa, if your partner is an eligible NZ citizen/resident partner. When counting the time, you will need to exclude the time when you were dating (and maintainnig separate homes), holidaying/travelling together, and living as flatmates (using separate rooms).

Frequently asked questions

Can I study on a Partnership Work Visa?

Yes, you can study up to three months in a 12 months period. Otherwise, you can apply for a variation of conditions to INZ so that the visa condition will allow you to undertake further study.

Can I apply for partnership visa even tough we haven't lived together?

It is a mandatory requirement that you are living together with your supporting partner. If you've never lived together, your application is likely to be declined.

I met someone on an online dating site, can I sponsor her?

You need to meet her and progress the relationship to where you start living with her. Then you can consider supporting her partnership visa.

Do I need to be married to be able to apply for partner visa?

No, getting married is not a mandatory requirement. Even if you are not married, if the relationship is genuine and stable, and if you are living together with your partner, you may be eligible.

How did work rights change for partners of AEWV holders?

It used to be an open work visa without restrictions in the days of Essential Skills Work Visas. Now, under the AEWV category, the main partner has to be working in a role that is on the Green List or earning twice the median wage.

If the main partner does not meet those conditions but is earning at or above the median wage, then the supported partner will be able to work only for accredited employers at the median wage or higher.

If the main partner earns below the median wage, you will not be able to get a partnership work visa, but instead, you may be eligible for a partnership visitor visa.

Do I have to have a job offer to be able to apply for a partnership visa?

No, you do not need to have an offer of employment. You can choose not to work while holding a partnership visa.

Can I run a business on a partnership visa?

It is possible if it is an open work visa with no restrictions (e.g. partner is a NZ citizen or resident, post-study work visa, or religious work visa holder).