
Graduate Student Application for Admission
Click here to begin the admission process for the following applications:

Annual Review

Doctoral students
The following graduate student Annual Review forms are provided as examples that departments are welcome to use in their annual evaluations of student progress. However, departments are free to design their own forms. This form is interactive and data can be entered directly onto the form.

Master's students
The master's student Annual Review form is provided as an example that departments are welcome to use in their annual evaluations of student progress. However, departments are free to design their own forms. This form is interactive and data can be entered directly onto the form.


Delayed Tuition Remission Waiver (for Teaching Assistants only)
Form link: Delayed Tuition Remission Waiver

Purpose: This form is for students on teaching assistantships only and allows them to utilize unused portions of tuition remission for Summer I and/or Summer II courses. There are several restrictions and deadlines defined on the form, so read it carefully. The delayed tuition remission requires the graduate advisor’s signature to confirm courses are in the student’s approved program of study.

  1. Student completes information on form
  2. Graduate advisor/program director certifies that the course(s) are included in the student’s program of study
  3. Student submits completed form to Graduate College

Final Destination: Graduate College – Graduate Appointments (@email)

Under-enrollment Form
Form Link: Under-enrollment Form

Purpose: This form is required for students on appointment only. Graduate appointees are expected to be fully enrolled, unless all coursework has been completed and the only remaining requirement is thesis, dissertation, or capstone. Approval from the graduate program director or department chair and Graduate College is required before tuition will be paid for under-enrolled students.

  1. Student or department completes information on form
  2. Graduate program director or department chair reviews and approves
  3. Student submits completed form to Graduate College @email
  4. Once form approved Graduate College emails form to student, department and HIGE (for international students)

Final Destination: Graduate College – Graduate Appointments (@email)

Dissertation, Specialist Project, and Thesis
  1. Gather signatures from the Department Chair, Committee Chair and members, Program Advisor
  2. Email the completed form to @email

Dissertation Defense Scheduling Form
Form link: Defense Scheduling Form

Purpose: This document allows the Graduate College to advertise and promote the final defense presentations for doctoral students. The form also ensures that doctoral students are at the proper stage of their program to schedule the defense and allows the Graduate College to anticipate receipt of the approved dissertation. Master’s and Specialist students do not need to use this form, since scheduling of their defenses is done within the department.

  1. Student completes form after consulting with their committee members
  2. Student submits form and dissertation abstract to Graduate College

Final Destination: Graduate College – Dissertation Specialist (@email)

Admission to Doctoral Candidacy Form
Form link: Candidacy Form

Purpose: This document certifies that a student has fulfilled all the requirements for the doctoral degree except for the dissertation.

  1. Student fills out information portion, sends to program advisor
  2. Student or program advisor circulates form for dissertation committee signatures
  3. Student or department makes copies for student and program advisor
  4. Student or program advisor submits form to Graduate College

Final Destination: Graduate College – Graduate Awards (@email)

Final Dissertation, Project, Thesis Approval Form
Form link: Approval Forms (choose appropriate number of committee members)

Purpose: This document is signed after the defense and provides proof that the committee members approve the dissertation, thesis, or specialist project and the student had passed the final defense. Once the Graduate College reviews the submitted dissertation/thesis/specialist project for proper formatting, the Graduate Dean gives the final approval on behalf of the university.

  1. Student completes information section
  2. Student circulates for committee member signatures after successful thesis, project, or dissertation defense

Dissertation Approval Forms

Specialist Project Approval Forms

Thesis Approval Forms

Graduate Faculty Nomination
  1. Faculty member or department staff fill out informational portions
  2. Faculty member attaches or sends a current CV (note that criteria for full graduate faculty status evaluates scholarly activity in the past 5 years, so it is important to send a recent CV)
  3. Faculty member or department staff obtains department chair signature
  4. Faculty member or department staff sends to academic college for dean’s signature
  5. Academic college or department sends to Graduate College for dean’s signature to @email
Registrar's Office
  1. The Accelerated Graduate Degree Program Course Approval form should be completed when admitted to the AGDP
  2. Gather signature from Advisor
  3. Email completed form to @email

Graduation Application
Please review the graduation information on the Registrar's Office website at .

Permanent Program of Study Form
Form links: Some graduate programs have developed their own versions of the program of study, or you can use the general forms:

Purpose: This document is used by the Registrar’s Office to complete the graduation audit and must be submitted before applying for graduation. It must include all the courses that complete the program requirements, even if they have not yet been taken. Changes to the program of study can be made with the Course Substitution form or with an email from the department to @email .

  1. Student or program advisor fills out form
  2. Program advisor reviews to ensure that all graduation requirements are included and approves form
  3. Chair reviews and approves, if needed
  4. Student or department makes copies for student and program advisor
  5. Department submits form to Registrar’s Office

Final Destination: Registrar’s Office (@email)

Permission to Elect Undergraduate Form
Form link: Permission to Elect Undergraduate Course

Use the Permission to Elect Undergraduate Course form when requesting permission to apply 3000/4000/5000 level course(s) for inclusion in a master's degree program.

  1. Obtain signatures from Department Chair, Graduate Program Advisor, Dean of the Graduate College
  2. Email completed form to @email

Program of Study Course Change Form
Form link: Program of Study Course Change

  1. Gather signature from Graduate Advisor
  2. Submit the form to your Department Chair
  3. Email the completed form to @email
Special Circumstances

Academic Forgiveness Form
Form link: Academic Forgiveness Form

  1. Please email the completed form to @email

Michigan Intercollegiate Graduate Studies Program (MIGS) Form
Form link: MIGS

Please email the completed form to @email

Program Time Extension Form (AKA “Extension Request”)
Form link: Program Time Extension Form (AKA “Extension Request”)

Purpose: This form is required by the Registrar’s Office when a student has surpassed the maximum allowed time for their degree program. Master’s students must complete all degree requirements in six years, and doctoral students must complete the requirements in seven years. Any coursework used to meet degree requirements must be taken within this time limit, including transfer courses. Requests to use older coursework are made with this form, and the department must certify that the student has remained current in the material.

  1. Student completes information portion and Part 1
  2. Advisor or committee chair completes Part 2 and 3
  3. Advisor or committee chair circulates form for necessary signatures
  4. Departmental staff or advisor/committee chair sends form to Graduate College

Final Destination: Graduate College – Dissertations and Theses (@email)

Leave of Absence Form
Form link: Leave of Absence Form

Purpose: If a student is temporarily unable to continue in their graduate program due to significant issues (health, family, job, military duty, etc.), they may request a leave of absence from the program for up to one year. During this time, the student is not enrolled at WMU, which may impact access to resources. The leave of absence extend the degree time limit by the specified period.

  1. Student completes information in the Student portion
  2. Advisor or committee chair endorses request with their signature
  3. Department chair endorses request with their signature
  4. Student or department sends form to Graduate College (@email)
  5. Graduate College dean reviews and approves
  6. Graduate College sends copy to Registrar’s Office

Final Destination: Registrar’s Office (@email)