Table of Contents

Chapter 2. NASA Life Cycles for Space Flight Programs and Projects

2.1 Programs and Projects
2.2 Program and Project Life Cycles
2.3 Program and Project Oversight and Approval
2.4 Approving and Maintaining Program and Project Plans, Baselines, and Commitments

Chapter 3. Program and Project Management Roles and Responsibilities

3.1 Governance
3.2 Roles and Responsibilities
3.3 Technical Authority
3.4 Process for Handling Formal Dissent
3.5 Principles Related to Tailoring Requirements
3.6 Reimbursable Space Flight Work
3.7 Use of the Metric System

Appendix A. Definitions
Appendix B. Acronyms
Appendix C. Compliance Matrix and Tailoring Guidance and Resources
Appendix D. Program Commitment Agreement Template

D.1 PCA Title Page
D.2 PCA Template

Appendix E. Formulation Authorization Document Template

E.1 Program FAD Title Page
E.2 Project FAD Title Page
E.3 Program/Project FAD Template

Appendix F. Project Formulation Agreement Template

F.1 Formulation Agreement Template Instructions
F.2 Formulation Agreement Title Page

Appendix G. Program Plan Template

G.1 Template Instructions
G.2 Program Plan Title Page
G.3 Program Plan Template

Appendix H. Project Plan Template

H.1 Template Instructions
H.2 Project Plan Title Page
H.3 Project Plan Template