Spousal support

Spousal support (also known as alimony) is a court ordered payment from one spouse or domestic partner to help cover the other’s monthly expenses. In California, when it is between married persons, support is called spousal support. It’s called domestic partner support between domestic partners.


Spousal support

We use spousal support to also mean domestic partner support, unless noted.

A judge can make a spousal support order in a divorce, legal separation, or domestic violence restraining order case.

There are two types of spousal support

Temporary spousal support: An order for payments to a spouse before your case is final. You can ask for a temporary support order as soon as you file the case.

Long-term spousal support: Support orders made at the end of the case (for example, in a Judgment). These are also called permanent support orders.

Spousal and domestic partner support are difficult legal issues

We have information on this site to help you, but you may need more help.