The School Board is the governing body of the District and is responsible for the control, operation, organization, management, and administration of public schools in the county pursuant to the provisions and standards prescribed by Florida Statutes and State Board of Education Rules. The five-member School Board concerns itself primarily with broad questions of policy, the district budget, and overseeing the Superintendent, who is held responsible for the effective administration and supervision of the entire school system.
School Board Meetings:
School Board meetings are held at the School District Administrative Complex, located at 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Kissimmee. A hard copy of the agenda will be available in the Board Room on the evening of the meeting. Time is allotted on each agenda for community comments and questions as the School Board welcomes input. If you wish to address the School Board about a topic not on the agenda, please complete one of the request forms located in the back of the Board Room prior to the start of the meeting.
All Osceola School Board meetings are held in English. They can be heard in Spanish using the Talk systems simultaneous interpretation equipment. An announcement in Spanish precedes every regularly-scheduled Board meeting informing residents in attendance about the availability and free use of the equipment.
In addition, the Osceola School District broadcasts its meetings live on the Internet and as on-demand videos, Click here to view meeting agendas and minutes.