Basic Tasks Tutorial

This tutorial introduces the following AutoCAD Raster Design toolset features:

In these exercises, you set AutoCAD Raster Design toolset options that control feature settings and learn how to control image display. Also, you learn how to view and modify the properties of an image or a group of images, and how to save modified images.

You should complete the exercises in this tutorial before continuing with the other AutoCAD Raster Design toolset tutorials. The subsequent tutorials assume that you are familiar with the features covered in these exercises.

You can access AutoCAD Raster Design toolset commands and features in the following ways:

Each of the tutorial exercises requires a specific drawing file from the ..\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\RasterDesign2024.Bundle\Contents\Tutorials folder where AutoCAD Raster Design toolset is installed. For information on these drawing files, see Using the Tutorial Images and Drawings.