New Mexico Labor Laws - The Complete Guide for 2024

Over the last few years the world has changed drastically, and with it, many states' labor laws across the country have been created or updated to better fit the local business and industry landscape. New Mexico has both established labor laws as well as completely new legislation for 2022 to watch out for. Employers in the state can use this article as an informational guide to help with compliance for New Mexico labor laws .

To help ensure compliance with New Mexico labor laws, even larger employers may want to leverage solutions or services from an established New Mexico payroll and HR company , like Payday HCM .

New Mexico Hiring Laws

New Mexico Arrests & Conviction Laws

Aside from federal and New Mexico non-discrimination laws , there are also some things that New Mexico employers need to be aware of when it comes to arrests, convictions, and the hiring process.

First, accessing records relating to arrests that did not result in charges is not allowed. However, employers that submit a notarized release obtained from an applicant or employee may access any record relating to felony and / or misdemeanor offenses. Employers generally may not disclose any of obtained criminal records except as permitted by law.

For more information, New Mexico employers can go to the New Mexico Human Rights Bureau .

New Mexico “Ban the Box” Law

In 2019 New Mexico adopted the Criminal Offender Employment Act (COEA) , known as ban-the-box . The COEA expands ban-the-box to private employers with four or more employees from inquiring about an applicant's criminal history on an initial employment applicant and inquiring about an applicant's criminal record has been sealed or expunged. In practice, employers should wait until after an interview to inquire about an applicant's criminal history.

New Mexico Drug & Alcohol Testing Laws

While New Mexico has no comprehensive law regulating the use of drug or alcohol testing by private employers, employers typically may not take adverse employment action against an applicant or employee as a result of the New Mexico state medical marijuana law .

Important to note, however, employers may still take adverse action against an employee for use or participation in such activities on work premises, or while being under the influence on work premises.

For more information, New Mexico employers can visit the New Mexico Department of Health .

New Mexico New Hire Reporting Laws

New Mexico requires private employers to report new hires to the New Mexico New Hire Directory. This can include certain employees who are returning to work.

Employers who fail to report newly hired or recalled workers may be fined up to $20 for each violation and up to $500 if the failure is the result of a conspiracy between the employer and employee not to supply the required report or to supply a false or incomplete report.

New Hire Reporting Requirements

Each time an employer makes a new hire or recalls an employee, they must report the following information within 20 days of the date of hire or re-employment.

Employers must report an employee’s:

Employers must also report their own:

NOTE: employers reporting electronically must transmit twice-monthly, not more than 16 days apart.

How To Report New Hires

New Mexico employers may report new hires electronically through the New Mexico New Hires Directory . Alternatively, employers may submit a paper report, which may be faxed or mailed to the New Hires Directory.

The following paper forms may be used for new hire reporting in New Mexico:

New Mexico Wage & Hour Laws

New Mexico employers typically have the hardest time complying with the wage and hour laws of the state, since there are so many. Ranging from the state’s complex minimum wage scale to more standard regulations like the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) .

New Mexico Minimum Wage

New Mexico minimum wage may differ depending on the location of the business within the state.

Current New Mexico Minimum Wage

City / County / Other

January 1st, 2024

State of New Mexico Minimum Wage

Albuquerque Minimum Wage

Las Cruces Minimum Wage

Bernalillo County Minimum Wage

City of Santa Fe Minimum Wage*

Santa Fe County Minimum Wage*

*Effective date for the change is March 1st, 2024.
**In this instance, the higher, state minimum wage prevails over the county wage.

Historical New Mexico Minimum Wage

City / County / Other

January 1st, 2021

January 1st, 2022

January 1st, 2023

State of New Mexico Minimum Wage

Albuquerque Minimum Wage

Las Cruces Minimum Wage

Bernalillo County Minimum Wage

City of Santa Fe Minimum Wage*

Santa Fe County Minimum Wage*

*Effective date for the change is March 1st, 2023.
**In this instance, the higher, state minimum wage prevails over the county wage.

New Mexico Tipped Minimum Wage

Current New Mexico Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees

City / County / Other

January 1st, 2024

State of New Mexico Tipped Minimum Wage

Albuquerque Tipped Minimum Wage

Las Cruces Tipped Minimum Wage

Bernalillo County Tipped Minimum Wage

Santa Fe County Tipped Minimum Wage

*Effective date for the change is March 1st, 2024.

In regards to the city of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County, as long as a tipped employee is making the normal hourly minimum wage (refer to the first chart), through any combination of tips and wages, the employer is in compliance with the Living Wage Ordinance for Santa Fe and New Mexico.

It’s important to note for New Mexico employers, if the tipped employee's total hourly compensation rate does not equal or exceed the applicable standard minimum wage rate, the employer must pay the employee the difference between the wage received and the applicable minimum wage rate.

A tipped employee is categorized as a worker who customarily and regularly receives more than $30 a month in tips.

Historical New Mexico Minimum Wage for Tipped Employees

City / County / Other

January 1st, 2021

January 1st, 2022

January 1st, 2023

State of New Mexico Tipped Minimum Wage

Albuquerque Tipped Minimum Wage

Las Cruces Tipped Minimum Wage

Bernalillo County Tipped Minimum Wage

Santa Fe County Tipped Minimum Wage

New Mexico Payroll Deductions

New Mexico employers are required to pay wages to their employees in full unless lawful deductions or other payroll deductions are authorized by both the employer and the employee. More information can be obtained via the New Mexico Taxation & Revenue Department .

Any employer who withholds a portion of an employee’s wages for payment of federal income tax must withhold New Mexico state income tax as well.

This applies to some agricultural employees, however, there are some exceptions. An employer furnishing food, utilities, supplies, or housing to an employee who is engaged in agriculture work, may deduct the reasonable value of such furnished items from any wages due to the employee.

Any income tax wholly earned by a Native American member of a New Mexico-recognized tribal nation is also exempt from withholding tax.

New Mexico Wage Payment Timing Law

Typically, New Mexico employers are required to pay employees their wages on regular paydays. These paydays can not be more than 16 days apart.

More specifically, wages earned between the 1st and 15th day of a calendar month must be paid by the 25th of that month. Any wages earned between the 16th and the last day of a calendar month must be paid by the 10th day of the following calendar month.

Some employers may have a central location outside of New Mexico where payroll is processed. If this is the case then wages earned between the 1st and 15th day of a calendar month must be paid by the last day of that same month. Any wages earned between the 16th and the last day of a calendar month must be paid by the 15th day of the following calendar month.

Employers, of course, may choose to pay their employees more frequently than the above outline timelines.

Wage Payment Timing Exemptions

Any employers that compensate their employees via commission or some other form of task or piece basis may pay those employees on a monthly basis. If using a monthly basis, employees must be paid on or before the 10th day of the following calendar month. The employee and employer must also agree to this type of payment at the time the employee is hired.

Executive, administrative and professional employees as well as outside salespersons, may be paid monthly, except for those employees whose wages are subject to the provisions of a collective bargaining agreement.

New Mexico Final Pay Rule

When it comes to New Mexico final pay , requirements differ for employees being fired versus employees who quit.

Across all employees though, there are no laws in regards to the payment of unused employee benefits in New Mexico. However, if an employer has a paid time off (PTO) policy in which employees accrue vacation time or any other PTO, then any unused accrued PTO is considered earned wages and the employee must be compensated for it in the final paycheck.

Final Pay Rule for Firing an Employee

If any employee is involuntarily terminated, any unpaid wages become due immediately on demand and must be paid within 5 days of discharge, so long as the unpaid wages are of a fixed or definite amount.

If wages are not of a fixed or definite amount, for instance, any wages based on task, piece, or commission, then payment must be made within 10 days of discharge.

Final Pay Rule when an Employee Quits

Any employee quits without having a written contract for a definite period, then final pay is due at the next succeeding payday.

New Mexico Meal & Rest Breaks

New Mexico labor laws do not require employers to provide any meal or rest breaks for employees. However, any breaks that are less than 30 minutes long must be paid.

New Mexico Overtime Law

New Mexico does require private employers to offer overtime. According to New Mexico Overtime Law , employees are entitled to overtime pay equal to 1.5 times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40, over the course of any seven-day period.

There are some exceptions to the 40 hours per week standard, which apply to police officers and firefighters employed by public agencies as well as hospital and nursing home employees.

This applies to all employees except those specifically exempt by law. These include exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and salespersons and employees who are commissioned, paid by piecework, or on a flat-rate schedule.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

New Mexico employers must also ensure compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The FLSA covers topics such as employee classification, minimum wage, overtime, child labor, and more, it is critical that employers understand the FLSA in and out.

New Mexico Child Labor Laws

According to New Mexico Child Labor Laws , a child must be at least 14-years old to work in specified occupations. Employees that are subject to New Mexico Child Labor Laws are also restricted to work outside of school hours only and for limited periods of time.

To help employers stay compliant with child labor laws, the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions has a brochure on New Mexico Child Labor Laws available for employers.

Child Labor Law Work Permits

Employers must obtain a specific work permit if they plan to hire any employee under the age of 16. These permits must be obtained from the school district in which the young new hire is enrolled.

The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions has provided instructions for obtaining and issuing work permits for child labor .

Child Labor Hour Restrictions

New Mexico has the same hour restrictions for minors as Federal Child Labor Laws and t here are no hour or time restrictions for employees ages 16 or older.

However, there are some additional hour restrictions for New Mexico Employees under the age of 16.

14- and 15-year-olds are permitted to work: